Red Kuri & Purple Yam Tempura!

Not the best picture, but you get the idea.

So I’ve made the first of (I think) three dishes to incorporate this beautiful red kuri squash that my friend Kathy gave me. I had some Japanese purple yam just laying around (don’t you?), so I thought the color combination of the two vibrant winter vegetables would make a gorgeous and tasty dish. And it did!

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Red Kuri Squash

A good friend gave me this cute winter squash to see what I’d do with it, donating it to science as it were. It’s about seven inches in diameter, a deep red-orange hue, with a whorled woody stem, and a hard skin. It’s a bit “pumpkin-like” without the deep ridges, and I’ve seen these sold as ornamental squashes every year during the fall, from pre-Halloween to post-Thanksgiving. But I’ve never eaten one before. Until now!

Is that a kuri squash or are you just happy to see me?

Can’t wait to cook this thing!

Naturally I’ve got a few ideas about what to do with this thing. Seeing that it’s a common Japanese species (called alternately, Orange Hokkaido Squash, Baby Hubbard Squash, Uchiki Kuri Squash) my first instinct is to treat it like a green kabocha and fry it tempura style or simmer it in ginger dashi. Or maybe roast it and then mash it? Or perhaps a simple soup with nutmeg cream & fried sage?

If anyone has any ideas, I’d be delighted to hear them. Bring it on!

Big thanks to Kathy Wade!